Wednesday 31 October 2012

In tonights readings  I’m writing about : Leadership

Being the leader of a group can be such a powerful thing to have an opportunity to be part of. Leadership can be challenging, you have tons of responsibilities and you have a group to lead. Make sure that you are steering them in the right direction, make sure you know what you are doing. The biggest thing a leader can fear... Is failure to the group. McMurphy is a leader to the patients at the hospital  McMurphy wants to lead them into the better and get them to live life better than what they do now in the hospital. I'll be explaining three ways that leadership is shown : to myself, society and text.

Many occasions I've been leader at a Leadership sports camp, school, work and Volunteer activities. sports camp I had to make sure everyone is going to the right sports assigned to them, made sure their visit was great, direct them to be able to express themselves and not to be afraid of who they are. It was such a great responsibility because I love helping people to get better. Like my career choice, physiotherapy. I like treating people that come from a rough state and i help them get better, i get to see the process of them getting better and changing themselves. I thrive off that :) I can see McMurphy wanting to help these people for almost his entertainment but also see's these patients giving away their lives to this hospital and to Ms Ratched. He makes a leader move and wants to make a change! 

Society... Leadership? I find there are too many head honchos but not enough cheifs in the world. Example would be my work... We have 6 different managers but not enough staff to work. Also I could talk about Obama and Romney how they show leadership to change for the better as McMurphy does with the patients. Though Obama and Romney have a huge pile of people that hope for them to make a change. That's a huge responsibility I would be terrified because if you fail that's all on you and I don't think I could take in that criticism  Obama shows he can be a leader by promising that people will have jobs, better health care and education. That's a huge promise and that takes courage to take on that responsibility. 

One flew over the cuckoos nest honestly is all about McMurphy showing he's a leader. I compare him as Jesus, he leads the people and sacrifices himself for people to have internal life. As I talked about this one fear of being a leader is failure.  At one part of the book though McMurphy realized he was a committed patient and knew he was going to be there for a long time. McMurphy suddenly doesn't support anyone, listens to Ratched and is silent. Everyone depended on Mcmurphy to help them to live better but they lost hope when McMurphy changes. When Cheswick drowned in the pool... McMurphy thought it was his fault that he killed himself because he never supported Cheswick. When he goes up to Ms Ratched and breaks the glass, everyone notices that they have hope for McMurphy and he's back! Its like he died and got resurrected again like Jesus? McMurphy is telling Ms Ratched that everyone knows about her controlling and etc. It takes a strong person to be free spirited and willingly stand up for people. 

I honestly would love to meet McMurphy if he was real :) 


Monday 22 October 2012

In tonight’s readings , I’m writing about : The Fog
In One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The character Chief Bromden  was getting out of the fog. What does that mean? When it comes to the fog, I have many feelings of how this fog can be a portrayed. It’s a huge mind bender!!  Here are three ways that I’ll explain the fog through: relating the Fog to a book called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, connecting it to myself and how it connects to the world.
                Do we really remember every single minute of the day what happens or what we did every single minute of the day? NO! We remember what is really important or what’s exciting to us. The Fog can be represented as a memory loss in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” in the WHOLE book it shows Rosencrantz and Guildenstern going back scene by scene. This book by the way is a play within a play within a play. For example, One point Guildenstern and Rosencrantz are playing tennis talking in the morning to the next scene all of the sudden they are in the castle talking to Hamlet out of nowhere.  The fog can represent that the mental hospital is such a structured schedule that everything goes to plan; the same stuff happens day by day, nothing new. The patients can get out of the fog by someone or something exciting or something out of the extraordinary happens OR someone new comes into the picture like McMurphy.
                The fog can mean also a shield or a sanctuary to the chief, protection or feel safe inside the fog. For example, I like being in my room because it keeps me safe from what the reality is out there. It’s a shield from what is outside like crime, hooligans, bad weather and etc! I find my room is a place to be when I’m having stressful times about school, work, friends and family. It keeps me protected and feel confined in a comfort zone. It’s hard to explain my happy place. It’s a place where I can think without being judged or a place where I can have peaceful times when I really need it. Chief Bromdon maybe finds the fog a happy place for him because the mental hospital isn’t a nice place to be when everyone is going crazy. Maybe when Ratched is taking control and the black boys are coming to get you, Chief goes in his Fog mode so he can be away from that reality and not have to worry or see the bad things that are happening in the Hospital.
                Medicine can change what everyone can be such as personality and emotion.  Medicines can do extraordinary things! It can knock people out and make them high. Tranquilizers can take someone that’s absolutely crazy and get them into a calm state; do those people have control when they take those meds? No they feel free and have no worries about what’s around them. It can be like being drunk... except you have black outs. You don’t remember what happens because you are so out of reality that you don't realize what's happening  or don't acknowledge anything around you .
                Everyone has a different opinion to The Fog! I only wish I can figure out what exactly this fog is to Chief Bromden .